Versions History


This API is compliant with the STET standard ( in order to meet PSD2's regulatory requirements. She has functionnal limitations wich are specific to the Banques Populaires.


As a reminder 

In France, the ordinance n° 2017-1252 of August 9, 2017 implements the PSD2 directive into the regulatory section of the monetary and financial code. This ordinance has been supplemented by two decrees (n° 2017-1313 and n° 2017-1314), and five orders that were published on August 31, 2017.


Our API version STET standard version
v1.0 v1.4.0.47

You can also refer to the virtual assistant about STET standard.


Important changes made since the first version delivered :

Method(s) Effective date Description of the evolution
GET/fundsConfirmation  May 17, 2019 Portal documentation : addition of clarification about the mandatory or optional nature of parameters and fields of the request.
Eligibility October 1, 2019

Portal documentation :

  • Precisions added on "eligibility" use case about QWAC and QSEALC certificats needed to give access to goLive.