Access to authorized data / Consume the API

In order to query an API, the API version is included in the URI such as : /stet/psd2/v1.6.2/accounts.

The features are described hereafter only from a functional standpoint. The technical aspects are included in the section « Technical use cases ». You also need to be familiar with PSD2 terminology. You may also use the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) or our the virtual assistant .

As a reminder, this API is designed to give access to payment accounts (and to a predefined set of data) granted by the customer :

  • balance 

  • and/or transactions history + details if available

  • and/or connected customer 

  • and/or overdraft

Some of these services may have some contraints or may not be available if not present in the online banking environment.

In sandbox assembly mode, access to tests data can be done thru the endpoint www.<codetab> (see use case « Test our API »).

In production, acces to live data can be done through the endpoint www.<codetab> (see use case « Limits »).



➤ Get the list of eligible payment accounts


This first call allows to get the list of eligible payment accounts when the user of payment services (PSU) is using services from a third party provider (TPP AISP) connected to the bank account holder (ASPSP).


  • TPP has an agreement for the AISP role from any european competent authority

  • TPP and PSU have service contract

  • An OAUTH2 access token has been delivered to the TPP by the ASPSP

  • TPP and ASPSP have been performed a mutual authentication

  • TPP has delivered his OAUTH2 access token to be able to consume the API resources

Transaction flow

TPP is interacting with the customer thru its interfaces. TPP sends a GET request to ASPSP infrastructure to get this list of accounts, which returns the eligible payment accounts.



➤ Customer consent 


This second request is mandated by the ASPSP : TPP has requested the customer to give his consent on the accounts he wants to use (ans which data).

This information (list of authorized accounts and data) needs to be sent back by the TPP to the the bank (ASPSP) for recording this customer consent. This "consent" record is linked only to a given PSU + given TPP AISP + given authorized payment account(s) + given authorized data for each account. The ASPSP will verifiy each TPP access request to the accounts vs. this record.

This consent can be modiifed at any time by calling again this service.


TPP has requested the list of accounts for the first time.

PSU give his consent to AISP.

Transaction flow 

TPP AISP forward these authorized data to the bank (ASPS) using a PUT request.


➤ Get balance 


This call allows to get the accountable balance ("CLBD" in STET specifications).


TPP has requested the list of accounts and sent PSU consent to ASPSP. 

Transaction flow 

AISP requests the ASPSP to send back the balance of one of the authorized accounts. 



➤ Get transactions history


This call allows to get the 90-day deep transactions history.


TPP has requested the list of accounts and sent PSU consent to ASPSP.

Transaction flow 

AISP requests the ASPSP to send the transaction history with some criteria.



➤ Get PSU identity 


This call allows to get the connected customer identity. 



TPP has received PSU consent of this data and sent it to ASPSP.


Transaction flow 

AISP requests the ASPSP to send PSU identity data.


➤ Get PSU overdraft


This call allows to get the account overdraft. 



TPP has requested the list of accounts and sent PSU consent to ASPSP. 


Transaction flow 

AISP requests the ASPSP to send overdraft data.