The main functional stages of payment initiation

Description of the services supported [STET STANDARD V1.4]

  •  Prerequisite

The TPP is accredited by the prudential supervisory and resolution authority (ACPR) for the role of PISP.

You must then proceed to recover credentials (Client_Id and Secret_key) linked to your from your APP on our portal in order to continue the process.

An OAUTH2 access token was issued by the establishment, obtained with the credentials.

The TPP and the establishment are mutually authenticated (exchange of Eidas QWAC certificates)..

The TPP presented its OAUTH2 access token to consume the services of the payment initiation API

  • Initiate a payment (PISP)

Use case of the payment initiation API::

- The PISP makes a payment request on behalf of a merchant: The PSU buys goods or services on an e-commerce site.

There is a contract between the e-merchant and the PISP. The e-merchant transmits the characteristics of the payment requested to the PISP and redirects the PSU to the PISP portal.

PISP prepares the payment request and sends it to the establishment.

The beneficiary, the e-merchant, is indicated in the payment.

                - The PISP requests a transfer on behalf of the account holder. The PSU provides the PISP with the information necessary for the transfer.

The PISP prepares the transfer request and sends it to the establishment which holds the account of the PSU.

The authentication method supported by the establishment and the REDIRECT mode.

PISP provides one or two calkback URLs when requesting initiation. The first will be called by the establishment in the event that the initiation request is processed and if the PSU has given its consent for payment..

The second call back URL will be used by the establishment in case of refusal of consent. This second URL is optional.

 PISP Redirect

  • Get payment initiation data (PISP) 

This call allows the PISP to recover all the data from the payment initiation enriched with resource identifiers and the status of the initiation and the payment it contains.

The data is accessible for 35 days.

  • Update payment initiation (PISP) 

This call allows the PISP to cancel a payment initiation as long as the payment is not considered as executed by the bank.

  • Confirm payment initiation (PISP)

Service not available in redirect mode (obtaining consent).