

The resources of the "Payment Initiation" API can only be consumed by PSPs having the role of "Payment Initiation Service Provider" (PISP). In order to be able to provide a service to account aggregator users within the meaning of the DSP2 directive, you must have the status of approved payment service provider (PSP). This status is issued by the financial authorities of the country in which the request is made; in France it is the Prudential Control and Resolution Authority (ACPR), linked to the Banque de France.

Obtaining and keeping an authorization are subject to rigorous procedures in order to provide strong guarantees to users of account aggregation services, the forms being available on the ACPR website. : https://acpr.banque-france.fr/autoriser/procedures-secteur-banque/tous-les-formulaires.

Les utilisateurs peuvent également consulter l'assistant virtuel en cliquant sur le pictogramme Assistant virtuelsur la page d’accueil du portail.