

The "Funds availability" API resources can only be used by Payment Service Providers (PSP) with a "Card Based Payment Instrument Issuer" role (CBPII or PIISP depending on used STET version).

In order to provide a service to users of payment services under PSD2 directive, you must be a licenced PSP such as credit institution, electronic money institution, and payment institution. This status is delivered by financial authorities of the country where the request is made ; in France it is the "Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution" (ACPR), under the supervision of the Banque de France regulatory body.

Obtaining and maintaining an authorization requires rigorous procedures in order to give strong guarantees to the payment services users.

The forms are provided on the ACPR website : https://acpr.banque-france.fr/autoriser/procedures-secteur-banque/tous-les-formulaires.

Once the agrement is granted, the Organisation Identifier (OID) given by the national authority has the following format :


"PSD" as 3 character legal person identity type reference

2 character ISO 3166 country code representing the NCA country

2-8 character NCA identifier (A-Z uppercase only, no separator)

PSP identifier (authorization number as specified by NCA)


This OID is very important for :

  • identify yourself as a TPP in the STET API requests using the parameter "client_ID"
  • to be included into the eIDAS certificates to be delivered to the bank (see below)


You also need eIDAS (electronic IDentification And trust Services) compliant certificates delivered by a Qualified Certification Service Provider (QTSP, see list available on https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/tl-browser/#/).

In order to be able to consume PSD2 API published on our 89C3 Portal, you have to forward us using .pem format

  • QWAC and et QSEALC live certificates for the sandbox (if available for this ASPSP)
  • QWAC and et QSEALC live certificates for our 89C3 API Live gateway


Please embed only public keys. Controls on other data will be based on European Banking Association TPP register (https://euclid.eba.europa.eu/register/pir/disclaimer).

You can also refer to the FAQ section and the chatbot about the principle of eligibility.