Remove app data

➤ Prerequisites

In order to be able to use this method, you need to fulfill the eligibility criteria.

To modify at least one app data; the "client_id" is the one received using the method POST /register.


➤ DELETE /register/{client_id}


Example (sandbox) : DELETE (see swager "setting" in documentation section of this portal)

with the client_id = the one the TPP received in our response of the enrolment (using the POST /register).


HTTP Headers

Name(O)ptionnal / (R)equiredDescription
x-request-id R Request correlation id. This id must be a string generated by the TPP.
Signature R

The TPP must sign this request with the private key corresponding to the QSEALC certificate.

Authorization R bearer access_token previously received.



A correct response returns a HTTP 204 status.



HTTP StatusDescription
400  Bad request. Error is supplied in fields error and error_description.
404  Resource not found.
405  Method not allowed. A method other than those described here was used.
500  Internal server error.