
This API can’t be used to modify an already existing app which has been enroled using the 89C3 dev portal. In this case, TPP has to perform the full process using this API, and will receive a new client_id.

Please note that if a TPP requires a new profile (= new cliend_ID), it has to use another set of eIDAS certifciates.

An agent which doesn’t have its own OID and eIDAS certificates can’t use this API. The TPP (linked to the agent) will have to use this API based on his own OID and eIDAS certificates in order to declare the app of its agent.


If the API is correctly used and returns http 20x code, the newly generated client_id (or data modifications) will be automatically taken into account the next working day @02:00 pm continental time (or on the very same day if the 09:59 am deadline is not reached) except if at least one elligibility criteria doesn't apply (it could generate additional delays - see next section).  

Please also note that:

  • eIDAS certificates signed with "rsassaPss" cryptographic algorihtm are not accepted ;
  • the access token validity is limited to 1 hour.