Test the API in sandbox Try-it


When you connect on 89C3 API portal, you can

  • call the Account information API through a form in which you will specify the application, the access / authentication token

  • then, you enter the method parameters that you want to test (either headers, either body) the ones with a star are mandatory parameters

Once the parameters entered, you can process the request : either you will get a result, either you will get an error.

For the GET /accounts/transactions and GET /accounts/balances methods, you must first execute the GET /accounts request in order to retrieve the current accounts list and the linked delayed debit cards. It will allow you to get the needed "ressourceId" for using these methods. 

The data used to make the test in Try-It must come from the provided personas (see the use case "Test data").

The user can thus choose a specific profile for his test so as to better apprehend the obtained results. 

If needed, to make the results easier to read, there will be a navigation with links to the different result pages (see examples in "Get accounts list" and "Get transaction history" use cases).

Creating a test application

The creation of a test application which uses the API stet psd2 v142 on the 89C3 API portal is a prerequisite for using the "Try-It" console to test calls to our Account Information API for version v1 .4.2 of the STET standard

If you have already applied for GoLive, then you must create a new application and select the new STET API V1.4.2.

If you have NOT made a GoLive request, you can :

  • either modify your existing application to associate it with the new STET V1.4.2 API
  • either create a new application, then select the new STET V1.4.2 API

You must have entered the OAuth identifiers with :

  • type of application : public
  • "*" in the field "Javascript Origins"
  • a syntactically valid URL in the "Redirect URLs" field. For example: "https://myapp.com"
  • do not put anything in the X.509 Certificate field (just a character "1" for example)

The "test clients" tab allows you to see the identifiers of the personas that will be selectable in the Try-It console.


Preview of the screen allowing to retrieve the Oauth2 token

Try It Modifier application EN

This screen is accessible when editing the application (dsp2 in our case) ; it allows to generate or edit an Oauth2 token that will be selected in the Try-It execution form.


Overview of the try-it execution form

The Try-It console is available at the top right of the pages presenting the operations available on an API. For example, for the STET v1.4.2 Account Lookup API, if you select an operation in the menu under the STETPSD2V142 block, the description of the operation (from the underlying swagger file) is presented and you can access the Try-It console to test this operation.

Try-it execution form

We get the display of the form if we click on the "<" button of the console:

In the "Resource Owner" field, you have access to the list of people declared for the API.

Remark: The parameters required in the sense of the API must be completed. However, when you use it via the Try-It console, some mandatory parameters cannot be filled in with meaningful values. In this case, they can be entered with a "1" character.

For example, in the screen below :

Put "1" in the "Signature" field.

Put "1" in the "X-request-ID" field

Capture Try it AISP EN

Click on the run button


Try-it parameters for every Account

For the body data type parameters you can copy paste the examples (left part of the screen) in the form (right part of the screen) by changing only the specific values of the chosen customer.


Common parameters to every Account information API method

ParameterDescriptionData typeParameter typeMandatory
Authorization access token in header  Char Header Yes

IP address used by the customer logged-in to you app 

*mandated if the PSU is connected, otherwise "blank" if you use the batch mode
Char Header No*
PSU-IP-Port IP port of the device used by the PSU connected to your app Char Header No
PSU-HTTP-Method http method used for the request  Char Header No
PSU-Date Timestamp used for the PSU request  Char Header No
PSU-GEO-Location Geographic location given by the PSU if available Char Header No
PSU-User-Agent Header "User-Agent" sent by the PSU device connected to your app  Char Header No
PSU-Referer Header "Referer" or "Referrer" sent by the PSU device connected to your app Char Header No
PSU-Accept Header "Accept" sent by the PSU device connected to your app Char Header No
PSU-Accept-Charset Header "Accept-Charset" sent by the PSU device connected to your app Char Header No
PSU-Accept-Encoding Header "Accept-Encoding" sent by the PSU device connected to your app Char Header No
PSU-Accept-Language Header "Accept-Language" sent by the PSU device connected to your app Char Header No
Digest Body synthesis Char Header No

HTTP request signature (see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-cavage-http-signatures/)

The header field "keyId" should be formatted as KeiId="SN=XXX,CA=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" in which "XXX" is the serial number (hex format) of the QSEAL certificate QSEAL

"YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" is the full name of the certification authority having issued this certificate

A message HTTP 400 will be returned by the server in case of an invalid or missing signature
Char Header Yes
X-Request-ID Consistency Header parameter to be included in the request, and it has to be returned in the response Char Header Yes



Parameters dedicated to GET /accounts/{}/balances

ParameterDescriptionData typeParameter typeMandatory

Main identification of the account resource to fetch and used as input paramater by the request. It is obtained as the "GET /accounts" result in the "ressourceId" field.

For a current account such as "accountId": {"iban":"" } ; 

Or for a differed debit card such as "accountId": {"other": {"schemeName": "CPAN"}})

Char Path Yes

Parameters dedicated to GET /accounts/{}/transactions

ParameterDescriptionData typeParameter typeMandatory

Main identification of the account resource to fetch and used as input paramater by the request. It is obtained as the "GET /accounts" result in the "ressourceId" field 

Char Path Yes

Exclusive maximal imputation date of the transactions (transactions having an imputation date equal to this parameter are NOT included in the result)

Char Request No

Inclusive minimal imputation of the transactions (= those having an imputation date equal to this parameter are included in the result)

Char Request No
entryReferenceFrom This parameter provides the value of the criterion which will determine the result of the query. Only transactions with a technical identifier greater than the value provided will be included in the result Char Request No
entryReferenceTo This parameter provides the value of the criterion which will determine the result of the query. Only transactions with a technical identifier lower than the value provided will be included in the result Char Request No