Authentification and OAUTH2 access token

Diagram of the OAUTH2 access token retrieval principle

As a developer of an application wishing to use this API resources, you need to get an OAUTH2 access token following the steps below :


Note: the acronym "PIISP" used by STET v1.4.0 whose image above is taken from the documentation becomes "CBPII" from version STET DSP2 v1.4.2. This role provides access to the account coverage service.



Step by step development

1. Our customer specifies to you the identity of the Banque Populaire which holds his accounts. 

2. You initiate the OAUTH2 access token recovery sequence by redirecting our customer to the bank’s authorization infrastructure, through the following URL pattern and parametersd'autorisation :

book pictoSee also [STET Framework page 21]

GET /authorize?response_type=code&client_id={clientId}&redirect_uri={redirectUri}&scope={scope}[&state={state}]

Name Data Type
response_type [1..1] Expected type of token


Must be valued with “code”

client_id [1..1] TPP identification


Must be equal or linked to the OrganizationIdentifier part of the Distinguished Name of the eIDAS certificate, according to ETSI specification




Call-back URL of the TPP String [140] => mandatory field for Banques Populaires
scope [0..1]

Specifies the generic accreditations that both the PSU and the TPP agreed on :


  • aisp
  • extended_transaction_history => this scope  is not authorized for the Banques Populaires

_ for CBPII :

  • cbpii.
String [140] => Space delimited roles list
state [0..1]

Internal state that you can used for context management

String [1024]

3. The Banque populaire account holder (ASPSP) will :

  • Identify and authenticate the customer using one of the strong authentication methods proposed and presented to the customer;

  • Performs checks about your AISP or CBPII function (QWAC and QSealc certificates validity and your role validity, non-revocation of your profile etc.).

4. Afterwards, the Banque Populaire will redirect the customer to your website, using the previously given call-back URL and the following parameters. Please note that you will need to communicate this URL when you will fill the subscription form for the live on API 89C3 portal.

book pictoSee also [STET Framework page 25] 

Name   Data Type
code [1..1] Short-time code to use in order to get the access token

String [36]

state [0..1] Internal state if you provided it String [1024]

5. You will then be able to call, through a POST request, the bank’s authorization infrastructure with the following : 

book pictoSee also  [STET Framework page 25] 

Name Data Type
grant_type [1..1] Requested authorization type

String [36] => Must be valued with “authorization_code"

code [1..1] Short-time code previously provided by the ASPSP String [36]
redirect_uri [1..1] Call-back URL of the TPP

String [140] => must be equal to the redirect_uri provided in the GET / token request.

client_id [1..1]

 TPP identification

String [36] => Must be equal or linked to the OrganizationIdentifier part of the Distinguished Name of the eIDAS certificate, according to ETSI specification



POST /token HTTP/1.1      Host:      Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW      Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded      grant_type=authorization_code&code=SplxlOBeZQQYbYS6WxSbIA      &redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fclient%2Eexample%2Ecom%2Fcb &client_id={clientId}

6. The Banque Populaire account holder (ASPSP) will :

  • Performs checks about your AISP or CBPII function (QWAC and QSealc certificates validity and your role validity, non-revocation of your profile etc. 

  • Identify and authenticate your AISP or CBPII role through the X509 certificate that you present for safety of the mutual authentication

7. Once these verifications done and if they are conclusive, the bank will answer through a HTTP200(OK) response that embeds the following data :

book pictoSee also [STET Framework page 23] 

Name Data Type
access_token [1..1] Access token provided by the ASPSP to the TPP

String [140]

token_type [1..1] Type of the provided access token (“Bearer” or “MAC")

String [10] => Must be values with “Bearer"

expires_in [0..1] Token lifetime, in seconds. The token can be used several times as far as it is not expired.


refresh_token [0..1]

Refresh token that can be used for a future token renewal request.

String [140]  



HTTP/1.1 200 OK      Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8      Cache-Control: no-store      Pragma: no-cache      {        "access_token":"2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA",        "token_type":"example",        "expires_in":3600,        "refresh_token":"tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA"      } 

8. As soon as the OAUTH2 access token has been provided by the Banque Populaire (valid for 90 days), you will be able to present it to consume the resources of the API (see the use cases for the API methods).


Authentication of our customer.

Identification methods of our customer

There are three different methods for customer identification wich should be relevant for the l'ASPSP (bank).

These three approaches are implemented in different ways, depending on the relevant use case :

  • either during the authorisation process, mostly for AISP and CBPII use cases (cf. § 3.4;
  • either during the consent management process, for instance in case of Payment Request (cf. § 3.5)


Redirect approach principle => This method doesn't apply for the Banques Populaires 

Through the Redirect approach, the customer authentication process is fully processed by the ASPSP.

In order to allow this, the TPP has to redirect the customer to the ASPSP authentication service, meaning the customer will leave temporarily the TPP interface for authenticating towards the ASPSP interface.

The TPP might have already captured a customer identifier that can be handled by the ASPSP for unambiguously recognizing the customer. In this case this identifier might be forwarded through the redirection, when the redirect protocol allows the forwarding of this identifier.

After finalisation of the authentication, the ASPSP redirects the PSU back to the TPP interface.


Exemptions to the strong customer authentication

Exemptions to the strong customer authentication are specified by the EBA (European Banking Authority) RTS on SCA, especially for Payment Initiation Services portant.

In this context, the API allows the TPP to forward to the ASPSP any useful information.

Eventually, the ASPSP keeps the final decision to apply or not this exemption.