Get the list of transactions



This call allows you to retrieve the list of operations of a payment account of the PSU (user of a payment service) for which the AISP (payment service provider) is connected.

The transactions obtained are less than or equal to 90 days from today's date..

A pagination of the returned list can be done if there is a lot of data to display, in this case navigation links giving access to the first page, the previous one, the next one and the last page will facilitate the consultation of the results. Truncation is performed on the basis of 100 results.

A self link will also be present to return to the page obtained just after execution of the request.

This service follows the return of a client's payment account list: a resource identifier corresponding to an account must be provided to obtain the list of transactions.. 

Access to this method is limited to a maximum of 4 batch accesses per calendar day, for a client, for an account or for a TPP, excluding pagination.




Parameter accountRessourceId  : payment account for which we want to view transactions, this data corresponds to the "resourceId" section obtained in the result page of the get / accounts query.

Optionnal Parameters:

  • dateFrom (start date for transactions sought)
  • dateTo (end limit for the transactions sought)
  • afterEntryReference (reference for the technical identifier)



GET /stet/psd2/v1/accounts/EURFR353000799999A40166510BB25/transactions


Status code :200



"_links": {
"last": {
"self": {
"first": {
"transactions": [
"resourceId": "USD04139485000",
"remittanceInformation": "INTERETS PAYES",
"transactionAmount": {
"amount": "12486.60",
"currency": "USD"
"bookingDate": "2019-02-24",
"creditDebitIndicator": "CRDT",
"entryReference": "USD04139485000",
"status": "BOOK"
"resourceId": "EUR04097970000",
"remittanceInformation": "INTERETS ENCAISSES",
"transactionAmount": {
"amount": "57.60",
"currency": "EUR"
"bookingDate": "2019-02-27",
"creditDebitIndicator": "DBIT",
"entryReference": "EUR04097970000",
"status": "BOOK"
"resourceId": "GBP04097970003",
"remittanceInformation": "INTERETS ENCAISSES",
"transactionAmount": {
"amount": "7.82",
"currency": "EUR"
"bookingDate": "2019-03-01",
"creditDebitIndicator": "DBIT",
"entryReference": "GBP04097970003",
"status": "BOOK"
"resourceId": "JPY04097970001",
"remittanceInformation": "INTERETS ENCAISSES",
"transactionAmount": {
"amount": "22.64",
"currency": "EUR"
"bookingDate": "2019-02-26",
"creditDebitIndicator": "DBIT",
"entryReference": "JPY04097970001",
"status": "BOOK"
"resourceId": "USD04097970002",
"remittanceInformation": "INTERETS ENCAISSES",
"transactionAmount": {
"amount": "287.44",
"currency": "EUR"
"bookingDate": "2019-03-02",
"creditDebitIndicator": "DBIT",
"entryReference": "USD04097970002",
"status": "BOOK"
"resourceId": "TOP924H5J0000705",
"remittanceInformation": "TRANSFERT BANCO INTERNACIONAL",
"transactionAmount": {
"amount": "1850.00",
"currency": "USD"
"bookingDate": "2019-03-03",
"creditDebitIndicator": "DBIT",
"entryReference": "TOP924H5J0000705",
"status": "BOOK"



The purpose of these tests is to ensure that the API complies with the STET standard. They should be validated before any application deployment. 



Data to use

Retrieve all transaction of an account (under 90 days)



Persona :

User: WUBUPA57

Account :EURFR353000799999A40166510BB25

Result : all transactions for this account

Retrieve all transaction of an unknown account 


Persona :


Account: EURFR7630007999990409797000000

Result : 404 code status