

Operational limitations :

These are the operational limitations of this PSD2 API in the version 1.0 :

  • Can be used for all Banques Populaires
  • Only apply to active payment accounts that are accessible online (cf. PSD2 Directive texts)
  • Use the REDIRECT authentication  approach only (Strong Customer Authentication required and handled by the bank)

Note : TPP are not allowed to send to ASPSP the PSU credentials, and only ASPSP SCA redirect screens can be used (no embeding process as clarified by European Banking Authority based on articles PSD2 #95.5 & RTS #31)

  • Only handles single payment initiation requests in € euro (SCTCORE immediate or differed)
  • Only the methods POST /paymentRequest and GET/paymentRequest are available
  • The PUT /paymentRequest method will be available later (see "Roadmap" use case)
  • The POST /paymentRequestConfirmation method will be implemented with STET standard v1.4.2.17
  • If the PSU doesn't perform any action during 04 mns on redirect screens (or 30 mns overall), the PSU will be considered as disconnected and no redirection will be provided back to the TPP


From test to live data :

According to PDS2 regulation, the data set available thru this dev portal, Try-it mode and sandbox are based on fictive data (or non-real ones).These data are described in the use case "Test our API".

In order to access to live data, please use first our API Register (see the product data sheet

Only one TPP app can be declared so far per OID (= client_Id) knowing that it is possible to :

  • apply white-labelled partnerships as well as third parties models.
  • declare many sets of certificats (and redirect URL)

Please note that a weekly slot is reserved for a programmed maintenance (all IT infrastructure incl'd backends and API gateways) Sunday morning from 02:00am to 06:00 am, and could generate some perturbations during this period . 

For live operations, the parameter "bankcode" will allow you to setup the right customer database thru a dedicated « endpoint » for each bank using the following format www.<bankcode> or

Once chosen, this entry point shall also be used for all subsequent requests.

Bank code Bank name Bank short name Available for tryIt and sandbox Available for live operations
10807 B.P Bourgogne Franche Comté BPBFC YES
16807 B.P AUvergne et Rhône-Alpes BPAURA   YES
10207 B.P RIves de Paris + BICS BPRI         YES
18707 B.P Val de France BPVF           YES
13507 B.P du Nord BPN     YES
16607 B.P Sud BPS     YES
10907 B.P Aquitaine Centre Atlantique BPACA     YES
10907 CMM Littoral du Sud Ouest CMSOU YES
14707 B.P Alsace Lorraine Champagne BPALC YES
17807 B.P OCcitane BPOC     YES
13807 B.P Grand Ouest BPGO YES YES
13807 CMM Grand Ouest CMMGO YES YES
14607 B.P Méditerranée BPMED YES
10548 Banque de Savoie BQSAV YES
40978 Banque Palatine     NO

 Carte France BP 20190107