Check Funds Availability


This service allows you to check if customer has enough funds available on his payment bank account (linked to your payment card based intrument) to cover the current transaction.


In order to proceed, TPP needs to fulfill all eligibility criteria and to present a valid OAUTH2 Authorization token (see use case "Get your token").



post /funds-confirmations

épinglesee STET V1.4.0 / Part II / section 4.6.4  page 23

Mandatory parameters 

paymentCoverageRequestId : Id for the request 

payee : merchant 

instructedAmount : amount and currency of the transaction 

accountId : Unique Id for the customer's account


The result given by the ASPSP is a boolean (YES or NO).




Post http://localhost:8080/v1/funds-confirmations



"paymentCoverageRequestId" : "MyCoverage123456",

"instructedAmount" : {

"currency" : "EUR",

"amount" : "12345" },

"accountId" : { "iban" : "YY13RDHN98392489481620896668799742" }




Status code : 200



"request" : {

"paymentCoverageRequestId" : "MyCoverage123456",

"instructedAmount" : {

"currency" : "EUR",

"amount" : "12345" },

"accountId" : {"iban" : "YY13RDHN98392489481620896668799742" }


"result" : true,

"_links" : {

"self" : {

"href" : "v1/funds-confirmations"




épinglesee also STET V1.4.0 / Part III / section 6  page 12


Acceptance tests

The purpose of these tests is to ensure that the API complies with the STET standard. They should be validated before any application deployment.


Test data

Nominal case (funds are available)

PSU Persona : CLAIRE

Scope OAuth2 = piisp

Amount < 459€

accountId :FR7617515900000800358074006

Currency : EUR

Result :  

  • result = true
  • réponse HTTP code 200 => OK

Insufficient funds  

PSU Persona : LEA

Prérequis : scope OAuth2 = piisp

Amount > 4 179€

accountId : FR7613807008043001965405158

Currency : EUR

Result :

  • result = false
  • réponse HTTP code 200 => OK

 Non authorized HTTP request using GET method 

PSU Persona : LEA

Scope OAuth2 = piisp

Result : HTTP code 405 => unauthorized method 

HTTP request with missing IBAN 

PSU Persona : LEA

Scope OAuth2 = piisp

Amount = 4 179€

accountId : FR7617515000920400430518020

Currency : EUR

Result : HTTP code 400 => wrong request 

 HTTP request with missing amount  parameter

PSU Persona : LEA

Scope OAuth2 = piisp

accountId : FR7617515000920400430518020

Result : HTTP code 400 => wrong request 

 HTTP request with missing of incorrect currency

PSU Persona : CLAIRE

Scope OAuth2 = piisp

Amount > 4 179€

accountId : FR7617515900000800358074006

Currency : USD

Result : HTTP code 400 => wrong request 

 HTTP request with a missing or incorrect transaction Id

PSU Persona : LEA

Scope OAuth2 = piisp

Amount > 4 179€

Currency : EUR

Result : HTTP code 400 => wrong request